Frequently Asked Questions
How do I reset my password?
To reset your password you must first request a Password Reset link from either the Data Controller (datacontroller@lxhockeyclub.co.uk) or the Web Master (webmaster@lxhockeyclub.co.uk). You will receive an email in the following format - to reset your password simply click on the link and follow the instructions:
Subject:[LX Hockey Club] Password Reset
Date:Tue, 20 Dec 2022 09:29:22 +0000
From:WordPress <wordpress@lxhockeyclub.co.uk>
Someone has requested a password reset for the following account:
Site Name: LX Hockey Club
Username: Your User Name
If this was a mistake, ignore this email and nothing will happen.
To reset your password, visit the following address:
- https://lxhockeyclub.co.uk/wp-login.php?action=xxx&key=xxxxxx&login=xxxxxx&wp_lang=en_GB
Fixtures & Registration
How do I register for a fixture?
Login using your credentials then using the menus at the top of the page click on Fixture Info menu which will take you to the FIXTURES INFORMATION page. Click on the FIXTURES & REGISTRATION button which will take you to the FUTURE CLUB FIXTURES page. Instructions are detailed at the top of the page. However, simply scroll down to the fixture you wish to register for and click the R (for Registration) button alongside the fixture you wish to register for. A popup box will appear showing the fixture details that you are registering for and asking you to confirm. Click on OK and you will be registered for the fixture. You will then be presented with a page detailing all your future registrations and highlighting the one you have just registered for.
How do I withdraw from a fixture?
Login using your credentials then access the FUTURE CLUB FIXTURES via the top menus Fixture Info->Fixtures & Registration. For all fixtures that you have registered for (but not yet been selected), and that are still open for registration there will be two additional buttons: WI (Withdraw Injured) and WO (Withdraw Other). Click on the appropriate one and you will be presented with a box asking you to confirm that this is the correct fixture to withdraw from. Select OK and you will be withdrawn from the fixture. You will then be presented with a page detailing all your future registrations and highlighting the one you have just withdrawn from.
NOTE: If the fixture is closed for registration, or you have already been SELECTED for the fixture, then no withdrawal buttons will show. To withdraw from these fixtures you must contact the Match Manager directly.